The interactive installation Caba visualises CIID’s network and the relative direction of its members towards Copenhagen.Brief
The assignment of this two-week class was to create a space that connects alumni and affiliates of CIID, who cannot make it to the 10th anniversary reunion, with the visitors in Copenhagen during the event.
The installation was inspired by the Muslim Haji. The Hajj is the traditional pilgrimage to Mecca which every Muslim has to carry out at least once in their lifetime. And even after they leave Mecca, they turn towards the Kaba for their daily prayers. So, the key element of this project is the concept of direction.
Caba consists of two parts. The first part is an iPhone app that allows you to send your geolocation to the installation in Copenhagen – but this is only possible if you turn towards CIID. The second part is the installation itself. Once the installation receives the signal, a line and the related name gets projected on a circle out of nails.
Following the mechanical turk principle a bystander is then prompted to connect the received direction with a rubber band from the center of the circle. A photo from the top is automatically published to Facebook.
Over time and with the help of the visitors, a physical data visualisation made out of rubber bands will form. This visualises the absent CIID network.